Hassle-free prescription refills

When you need a quick refill and you can’t reach your provider, just pull up the Oscar app. There you can connect with a Virtual Urgent Care Provider and they’ll help you get what you need to stay well.
Texting Member with Texts

Here’s how to get your refill

All it takes is a few simple taps in our app

Step 1

Tap “Care” and then "Renew prescriptions" in the Oscar app and follow the prompts to answer a few questions about your prescription.

Step 2

A provider will reach out to help you refill your prescription. Please note: Virtual Urgent Care is not for regular refill use. For regular prescription management please contact your Primary Care Provider. If you have access to Oscar Primary Care, your provider can help refill prescriptions more regularly.

Step 3

That's it. You’ll stay healthy and safe while saving time, money. Log in or create an Oscar account to get started.

Need some more help?

Contact UsYour Care Team is here to help you. Give us a call at (855) 672-2755, or send us a secure message in your Oscar account.
Care team